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Be Kind — No Hate

Fight For Justice And Equality For All

"We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop." — Mother Teresa

Write letters to our newspapers

The slides for the recent talk by Keith and Ellen Wolcott on letters to the editor and framing is at: Your Words Can Change the World slides. The handout we gave at the talks is at: Summary Handout.

Here is a useful link for writing letters to the editor: how to write a letter to the editor.

If you live in Coles County, use this link to submit a letter to the Journal Gazette-Times Courier, 300 word limit. One per 3 weeks.

The following are other newspapers in the 15th district that have online submission forms.

The News Gazette, Champaign, IL (Champaign is not in the 15th district, but some of its reader are). 250 word limit. One per month. They do not publish letters published elsewhere (so send here first). They will phone you to check that you sent the letter.